Resources for Study Abroad

Funding Resources for Study Abroad

获得经济援助的学生可以向批准的海外学习项目申请经济援助. 咨询你学校的经济援助办公室,了解如何申请你的经济援助奖,并完成必要的文书工作. 非推荐十大正规网赌网站学生不提供推荐十大正规网赌网站助学金.

其他出国留学的资金来源如下. 请在申请之前咨询财政援助办公室,了解奖学金和助学金如何影响你的财政援助计划.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for students receiving a Pell grant.

The Gilman-McCain Scholarship 接受联邦经济援助的学生,现役军人的受抚养子女.

Benjamin Franklin Travel Grant for traveling to France.

Freeman Awards for Study in Asia 为在柬埔寨留学的学生提供基于需求的经济援助, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,  or Vietnam.

国家安全教育计划(NSEP)博伦奖学金 在西欧、澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大以外的国家留学.

Bridging Japan Scholarship 在日本学习任何领域的学期课程的学生,以及对经济和国际金融感兴趣的在日本学习的学生的摩根士丹利奖学金.

Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program 为美国学生提供全额资助的暑期语言学院.S. university students and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

Foundation for Global Scholars for study abroad.

Fund for Education Abroad  general scholarship for study abroad.

German DAAD Scholarships for students studying abroad in Germany.

Go! Overseas Study Abroad 提供出国留学和实习奖学金,并提供其他资金来源的信息.

Hosteling International USA 提供$ 1,000奖助金给一位年轻人以鼓励世界探索.

ISEP Exchange Scholarships and who may apply:

  • Community Scholarship: Any student on ISEP Direct or Exchange is eligible. 该奖项为500美元,旨在促进ISEP学生的多样性和包容性.
  • Founders Fellowship: 任何参加ISEP直接或交换项目的学生都有资格学习语言. 2500美元的奖金是基于一个创造性的项目,并应表达学生学习一门语言的愿望和跨文化障碍.
  • The Annette Kade Scholarship: 来自美国成员机构在法语或德语地区学习的学生. 该奖项最高可达1000美元,旨在促进语言学习.

KAUST Full Discovery Scholarship for undergraduate students of science and technology, 这项慷慨的奖学金包括在沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学攻读本科学位和硕士课程的剩余时间的学费和生活津贴.

Michigan State University Library 奖学金和助学金的清单是否与国际研究和学习有关.

NAFSA – U.S. Study Abroad Scholarships and Grants List
各种各样的组织和机构为从美国留学的学生提供奖学金和助学金. Many provide assistance that is targeted to specific student populations (underrepresented student groups; African Americans; Asian Americans; Latino/Latina Americans; Native Americans; students with disabilities; gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered students). 这个列表是一些网站的样本,上面有推荐十大正规网赌网站多种奖学金和助学金的信息和资源.

Nash Family Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship 这项以需求为基础的奖学金是为在国外学习的推荐十大正规网赌网站学生提供的, 尤其是那些对社区或公共服务感兴趣的人, urban issues or other areas of civic engagement. 请联系海外学习和国际项目办公室了解更多信息和申请.

Sallie Mae education loans available for study abroad.

Scott Family Adventure Award 透过约翰与卡丽圣安杰洛基金会,匹泽校友约翰. Scott ’87, director of the Foundation, 承诺在推荐十大正规网赌网站设立并捐赠斯科特冒险奖. The biannual award, 由Pitzer学院海外学习和国际项目办公室提供, 使出国留学的学生追求一个特殊的项目或兴趣,将增加他们的海外经验. 感兴趣的学生可以联系留学和国际项目办公室了解更多细节. 有些项目确实提供自己的资助,申请暑期项目和未经批准的学期项目的学生应该向项目提供方核实,以了解任何额外的资助来源.

UNIGO Scholarship for study abroad.

Web Resources

US passport information

US State Department Country Specific Information – including entry requirements

Students Abroad – US State Department 推荐十大正规网赌网站旅行证件、健康、紧急情况、大使馆、投票和安全状况的信息.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) 一项由美国政府为前往美国的美国公民提供的免费服务, or living in, a foreign country.

U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions

US Customs

Centers for Disease Control

World Health Organization





For students of color

Traveling with Medications

US Department of State – Your Health Abroad



运输安全管理局- TSA关心帮助热线

Time zone converters

The World Clock – Time Zones

Currency converters



Other Resources

Weather information

Voting while abroad for US citizens

CIA World Factbook

Global calendar

Hendricks Pharmacy in Claremont